Delightful Dessert Bowl

Hey! All you lovely folks out there.. How’s it been? 🙂
The scorching summer heat of the daytime seems to get to me, but then I think of all the things that are cooling, soothing and oh-so-delicious!!  I am a fruit lover for sure and can have them in all sorts of forms, but dessert would be the best! Ain’t it? 😉
So I’m thinking Mangoes and Strawberries!!

Truly, the king of all fruits!
Gorgeous Fresh Strawberries!

How about I tell you that the dessert bowl we’ll make will be super healthy, all guiltfree. Ah! Wondering it must be boring then or maybe not so delicious but then you’ll have to make it yourself to find out so. I though, would for sure call it delightful. 🙂


Doesn’t that look tempting now??

Okay! Enough said let’s straight head to the recipe now.

Delightful Dessert Bowl

Servings : 2

Ingredients :
3-4 strawberries
1 medium sized Mango of your choice
1 & 1/2 cups whisked yogurt
2-3  tsp honey
silvered almonds or nuts of your choice
sprig of mint

Method :
Wash and pat dry the strawberries, cut them lenghtwise into thin slices, so they look petal like. Peel the Mango and cut so as to make a mango rose. In a separate bowl, whisk thick yogurt (you may use greek/homemade) with honey. Now take two glass bowls for individual servings, first place the strawberry petals on the sides, pour in the yogurt-honey whisk in the centre and top it with the mango rose. Garnish with silvered almonds on the sides and a sprig of mint in the middle of the rose. These beautiful looking delightful dessert bowls are ready to be relished! 😀


These make for great breakfast options too, just top them with granola mix! Next will be sharing the recipe for an easy peasy homemade granola/granola bar. Until then try this one and keep me posted. Hope you love this healthier sugar-free version of dessert as much as I do. 🙂


Enjoy!!! 🙂

Besan Barfi

Holi!!!!!! ❤
With holi around the corner, who isn’t excited 😉 or scared for that matter!! 😛 Well I belong to the former category because I absolutely heart Holi. This happy festival of colours is a favourite, for it brings so much joy and let’s you be just yourself! Be it paani wali holi or sukhi gulaal wali hoil, i love it in every which form.
I guess Holi is that one festival which brings out the child in you so effortlessly because you want to be carefree and playful, also mean and mischievous! 😀


Coming to talk of it, why do we love festivals a bit more?? Even if you don’t like playing with colours and you don’t have much fun with holi otherwise, the food sure you’re excited about! 😀 Okay, because honestly we love all of it but food most. And this besan barfi is sure thing at my place when holi is around! This is an heirloom recipe, dadi used to make and mummy has been making ever since.And that’s where my learning lessons come from. I hope I will do them justice 🙂

So without a lot of delay, let me get to the recipe. Please do try and let me how it turns out for you.

Besan Barfi is an indian fudge like sweet, usually made with chickpea/gram flour and mawa/khoya (dreied whole milk). But this recipe doesn’t call for mawa.

Recipe :

Ingredients :
500 gms besan (Chickpea flour)
250 gms ghee (Clarified Butter) + more for frying
500 gms sugar
water for making sugar syrup
Lukewarm milk (just enough to knead the dough)
1/2 tsp elachi powder (Cardamom Powder)
Almond silvers and saffron threads (for garnishing)

Method :
Take a large bowl for kneading the dough. Take besan and about 50 gms ghee, crumble them. Now we’ll knead the dough with milk. Just remember that the consistency of the dough shouldn’t be too tight neither too sticky, just about like normal soft dough.
Now make small balls of the dough and flatten them with your palms.
Heat ghee in a wok for deep frying the flattened balls (we call them muthiya). Do not fry these till golden brown, just partially fry till golden yellow.
Now let these cool for 8-10 minutes. In a grinder, crush the fried muthiyas, no too fine nor too chunky. Remember to keep a semi coarse consistency.
Again take another wok and roast this crushed mix on medium flame for about 12-15 minutes. Add 200 gms ghee while roasting and roast till a nice golden brown colour is achieved. The house will have the aroma all over. 🙂

Sugar Syrup :
Take a large pan and make sugar syrup of one thread consistency.

Now add the roasted besan mix and cardamom powder to the sugar syrup and stir well. Let it cool for half an hour so that the mix absorbs the syrup well. Then grease a tray and evenly spread the fudge mix and sprinkle almond silvers and saffron threads on it. Now let it set. It takes 2-3 hours for the barfi to set. Cut into even sized square pieces and eat as many as you like. 😉


Trust me it is worth all the efforts that go in! I call it “labour of love”. 🙂
So this holi try this delicious besan barfi and let your sweet tooth feast upon it.


For more yumminess check out my dear friend Sonal Gupta’s super blog, who has gotten another fellow bloggers to do a Holi collective! 🙂 I can assure you all the awesomeness and amazing recipes that will follow. Super happy to be a part of this festive collective!

Happy Holi guys! Have fun 😀
And those who get coloured despite a zillion efforts, “Bura na mano Holi hai’ 😉

Thank you for stopping by.